How To Know If You're Having Diabetic Ketoacidosis? And What To Do Then?

The primary source of energy for the body is the glucose, which is generated from carbohydrates break down, and glucose cannot be used by the cell except in the presence of sufficient amounts of insulin, but in case of Diabetes where insulin is insufficient (type l diabetes), or where cells don’t respond to insulin (type ll diabetes), glucose sometimes cannot be utilized properly, so the body searches for a different fuel to get energy from, and that fuel is fats.
The problem with fat utilization Is that it produces a substance called ketones, these ketones when become in excess they can cause multiple problems , some of them is to make the blood acidic and the patient dehydrated and this may lead to many complications.
So. Diabetic ketoacidosis, or ketosis  a medical emergency, that should be dealt with very wisely. In this article we are going to know how to recognize this condition  and how to act if it happened to us or to someone we know.
Symptoms of diabetic ketosis:
1. Excessive urination.
2. Extreme thirst. 
3. Abdominal pain.
4. Nausea and vomiting.
5. Deep and rapid breathing.
6. fruity or acetone like breath smell.
7. Decreased level of consciousness.

So, what are the causes of Diabetic ketosis?
A. Emotional or physical stress.
B. Illness , especially infections like respiratory or urinary tract infections.
C. Missing medication doses.
D. Drugs or alcohol use 

Complications of diabetic ketoacidosis:
Ketoacidosis can lead to a variety of problems including :
- Brain oedema (brain swelling) and this cam be mainly due to the imbalance in blood composition, as it may become very acidic.
- Kidney failure: severe dehydration due to excessive urination and vomiting may lead to renal failure in few cases if not managed promptly.
- Diabetic coma.
- Pulmonary oedema (excess fluids in the lungs). 

How to deal with Diabetic Ketosis at home :-
1. Measure your blood sugar level: 
If you have any of the above symptoms and you suspect that you may have ketosis while you have your kits at home then measure your blood sugar immediately.
2. If your blood glucose was high and you have the kits for measuring blood ketones then it will really help you to measure the levels of ketones in your urine, if it’s  below 0.6 mmol/L then it’s normal and it is unlikely that you have DKA. 
If the level is between 0.6 to 1.5 mmol/L this may indicate a small degree of ketosis and you should check again 2 hours later.
If it’s more than 2 mmol/L then there’s a high risk that you may enter a state of ketosis, and you should contact your doctor or seek medical help at hospital.
3. Contact your doctor and tell him what you feel, he’ll probably advice you to go to the hospital, if he thought that you should go then go immediately.

At hospital they might admit you for a while, rehydrate your body by giving you intravenous fluids and measure your urine output to monitor the condition of your kidney.
They will also give you insulin doses monitored to decrease blood glucose and ketone levels.

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